MultiMeat- food for thought

All the meat that's fit to eat ... Primary Blog Topics include: Science, Technology, History, and Current Events: Our primary subsets are ... Computers and simulation of thinking, Archaeology, Remote Sensing, Robotics, Cosmology, Physics,Geophysics,& Anthropology. We also include farming, tools and self-sufficiency. Reluctantly, we also include some politics and the "news" when compelled.

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Location: Micanopy, FL, United States

Philosopher of Science, Robotics, Builder/Hi-tech Prototypes, Farmer, Writer

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The US is Heating Up!

Click to enlarge the image ... Explanation follows.

Google elected to make front page news from the Huffington Post, quoting an unnamed source:

Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress

A staffer for Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told reporters that Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) had been spat on by a protestor. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a 'ni--er.' And Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was called a "faggot," as protestors shouted at him with deliberately lisp-y screams.

The question is not why Huffington would publish such a thing... we all understand her ... but rather why Google should make it front page news? The answer is that Google is into the Obama administration up to their armpits. There are multiple executives from Google that have gone into the Obama administration, and Google is unquestionably a world power in the news business. The distressing thing is the way that Google is manipulating the news and juxtaposing headlines:

Obama Makes Arms Breakthrough

Financial Overhaul Next Dem Priority

GOP Party Operative Transforms into tea party strategist (sic, lower case) All other headlines use capitals.
An exclusive re: Jesse James's Mistress ... (the tattooed "Nazi") This headline is ALL caps.

The lowercase for "tea party" and the characterization of a GOP worker as an "operative" cannot be accidental. It is intentional trivialization and a cast aspersion. Adding Jesse's Nazi bimbo on the front page is a nice touch of ambiance.

The Points Here Are:

- Google does not make mistakes.They have a Market Cap of $177 billion. They have more data about you than everyone else in the world combined, including the US federal government and their partner, the NSA. (Use Google for terms Google and NSA):

- Scrutinize what you're getting from Google News. Don't just scan the pages that Google sends, analyze them.

My opinion is, although I don't track Google News pages regularly, there is a new change in media, with a new sense of urgency. The Healthcare Bill was barely passed despite majority US opposition. The global warming issue seems to have "melted", and The Carbon Tax effort to control all business worldwide is rapidly losing traction. Further, the trillion dollar bailout thieves have not gone to jail. Now, the headlines are that Obama will fix all the problems ...

An old adage is "When Democrats don't win, they don't eat."

The Kleptoctacy rolls on... BUT people are getting very pissed off!

Joe Stack, the guy who flew his plane into the IRS office is one example, but there are surely more to come from people who are losing their lives to the Kleptocracy. We listen to talk radio and have noticed a major trend ... from cautious veiled references to revolution to Angry people stating that armed insurrection is inevitable!

Google hosts this free blog. I have no doubt that it will never rank anywhere in their search engine. I am simply using this tool as a convenience versus sending e-mails to friends to express my concerns. It is easier to send a blog link than it is to write multiple e-mails to separate people. My advice to friends and relatives is:

- Pay close attention to the news and how it is written in the near term.

- Be ready to protect yourself and think about what it might mean to you and yours if the US gets unstable. The time may soon come when you have to pick sides.

We only have (perhaps) one election left before an absolute consolidation of power takes place.

The Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared!


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